Monday, 13 October 2014



One of my favorite topic and 
always i want to explore more  about it.
During My School life,i was crazy about exploring and read 
more and more post or things about wormhole,
time machine ,four-dimension and many more things related to 
We all know ,its a Cool topic .. everyone want
 to travel in past or future..
and its not possible for everyone as it is not discovered
 yet but...
One of my favorite Scientist Albert gave 
SAME THING SpacE-TimE".There is a speed limit of 
300,000 kilometers per second (or 186,000 miles per second)
for anything that travels through space time..
Light Always travels the speed limit through empty space..
It also says that a surprising thing happens when you 
move through space-time and when your speed relative to other
objects is close to the speed of light.
time goes slower for you than for the people you left behind.
you won't notice this effect until you return to those
stationary people.

According to "the original string theory,
 bosonic string theory, contained a massless 
particle called the tachyon, which travels 
faster than the speed of light.
 These particles are usually a sign
 that a theory has an inherent flaw - but
 what if they actually existed? Would they
 allow a means of time travel?

The short answer is that no one knows.
 The presence of tachyons in a theory
 means that things begin to go haywire,
 which is why they're considered by physicists
 to be a sign of fundamental instabilities in 
the theory. (These instabilities in string theory
 were fixed by including supersymmetry,
 creating superstring theory.)

However, just because tachyons mess
 up the mathematics that physicists 
use doesn't necessarily mean that they
 don't exist. It may be possible that
 physicists just haven't developed the
 proper mathematical tools to address
 them in a way that makes sense.

If tachyons do exist, then in theory
 it would be possible to send messages 
that travel faster than the speed of light.
 These particles could actually travel backward
 in time and, in principle, be detected.

To avoid this problem (because, remember, time 
travel can destroy all of physics!), the physicist
 Gerald Feinberg presented the Feinberg
 reinterpretation principle in 1967, which
 says that a tachyon traveling back in time 
can be reinterpreted, under quantum field
 theory, as a tachyon moving forward in time.

Could time travel soon become a reality? Physicists simulate sending quantum light particles into the past

  • *University of Queensland scientists simulate photons moving through time
  • *They showed how two wormhole-travelling photons might behave
  • *Time-travel in the quantum world seems to avoid famous paradoxes
  • *The experiment shows bizarre behaviour of such quantum particles
  • *But on larger scales time travel still remains implausible, say researchers
If a time traveller went back in time and stopped their own grandparents from meeting, would they prevent their own birth?
That’s the crux of an infamous theory known as the 'grandfather paradox', which is often said to mean time travel is impossible - but some researchers think otherwise.
A group of scientists have simulated how time-travelling photons might behave, suggesting that, at the quantum level, the grandfather paradox could be resolved.

Researchers at the University of Queensland in Australia
 have discovered that two photons travelling through 
time can interact. In the simulation a photon stuck in
 a closed timelike curve (illustrated) through a wormhole
 was found to be capable of interacting with one travelling 
through regular space-time.


Space-time can be warped and distorted. It takes an enormous amount of matter or energy to create such distortions, but theoretically, distortions are possible.
In the case of a wormhole, a shortcut is made by warping the fabric of space-time. Imagine folding a piece of paper with two pencil marks drawn on it to represent two points in space-time.
The line between them shows the distance from one point to the other in normal space-time. 
If the paper is now bent and folded over almost double - the equivalent to warping space-time -  then poking the pencil through the paper provides a much shorter way of linking the two points, in the same way a wormhole would create a shortcut. 
The problem with using wormholes to travel in space or time is that they are inherently unstable.  When a particle enters a wormhole, it also creates fluctuations that cause the structure to collapse in on it. 
A recent study suggests there are unusual-shaped wormholes than may be able to stay open longer than normal.

Wormholes are theoretical tunnels that 
create shortcuts in space-time. A study 
in May from Dr Luke Butcher at Cambridge 
University argued that if a thin wormhole 
stayed open long enough, people could send
 messages through time using pulses of light, or photons.

'The properties of quantum particles are "fuzzy" or uncertain to start with, so this gives them enough wiggle room to avoid inconsistent time travel situations,' said professor Timothy Ralph, one of the researchers on the latest study.
The results also give a better understand to how two theories in physics, on the biggest and smallest scales, are able to relate to one another.
'The question of time travel features at the interface between two of our most successful yet incompatible physical theories ' Einstein's general relativity and quantum mechanics,' said PhD student Martin Ringbauer from the University of Queensland.
'Einstein's theory describes the world at the very large scale of stars and galaxies, while quantum mechanics is an excellent description of the world at the very small scale of atoms and molecules.'
Einstein's theory suggests the possibility of travelling backwards in time by following a space-time path that returns to the starting point in space but at an earlier time - a closed timelike curve (CTC).
This possibility has puzzled physicists and philosophers alike since it was discovered by Austrian-American scientist Kurt Gödel in 1949, as it seems to cause paradoxes in the classical world.
These include the 'grandparents paradox', where a time traveller could stop their grandparents from meeting, thus preventing the time traveller's birth.
This would make it impossible for the time traveller to have set out in the first place.
But this new research suggests that such interactions might indeed be possible - albeit only on a quantum level.

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